Hi All,
I was diagnosed with Lupus and Hypertension in October.My blood pressure took some medication trials to get it under ''control''.For most of the month my blood pressure is good....130/77 but could go up sometimes to 140/80.Depends on my stress levels...Though sometimes,my pressure can have SHARP rises and goes up to 160/104 and seems to go up like that out of nowhere.I'm on a pretty strict anti-inflammatory diet and also take Cardizem CD 360 so could these sharp rises have anything to do with a Lupus related condition?? I went to the Emergency room yesterday as that B/P of 160/104 scared me.They gave me Clonidine 0.1mg and the B/P came down pretty nicely....122/69.They drew some blood,did EKG and chest X-ray....everything came back NORMAL.I was surprized to see that my WBC came up from 2.7 to 5.Guess the Plaquinel and lifestyle changes are starting to work because there were improvements in my CBC but i cant seem to get my blood pressure totally controlled.Does anyone have any suggestions?? I just want to know if this blood pressure issue can be lupus related? I have a strong family history on Heart disease and hypertension so it could just be my crappy genetics but want to explore or rule out anything related to Lupus if possible....
Thanks so much and hope to get some feedback....