Hi everyone
I have been on prednisone for 8 years now and have tapered dosage down to 10 mg-several times. My rheumy tells me when I have a flare (usually heralded by a hard chill and fever) to increase my prednisone to 20 mg for 2 weeks, then taper by 5 mg every 2 weeks til I'm back to 10mg. The problem is, every time i get back to 10 the problems start-low grade fever, fatigue, and eventually the hard chill and high fever. I know she would like to get me to a lower dosage, but it looks like that's just not gonna happen. My hubby is real understanding about my illness, he kept me alive and took care of me when I first got sick before I was diagnosed-but he does have a hard time sometimes understanding just how bad I do feel. He doesn't give me flack about having to take it easy, in fact he fusses if I overdo but still I don't always tell him when I am really feeling bad cause it worries him and he hovers...which adds to my stress levels. The thing with the prednisone worries me tho, because I have heard of damage to the body(?) from long term usage. So far my bone density scans are good, but is there anything else I should be concerned about?