Thanks for your replies. My doctor never said what could be causing the numbness and I didn't think to ask. (I am always so intent on taking in everything he is saying I get flustered in asking my questions--I do write a list, but I can never remember to bring it) I will be calling tomorrow anyway, I am having some new scalp redness and soreness, and a part of my upper lip went numb yesterday but still isn't back to normal.
Babs, you are right on with your "pulling the plug" description. That describes it perfectly. I do work at a school, so my hours are reasonable but I am spent for the rest of the evening. I run my kids to and from gymnastics, my hubby usually fixes dinner so I do the clean up, and then most days that is it--I'm done for the night. I end up trying to catch up on the weekends. I'm anxious to see how I feel this summer with not working, although I'm not sure how I will be affected by the sun since all this finally came to a head this fall. I'll just keep my fingers crossed!