Just wanted to stop in and say "hi" to all my lupie friends :) I as usual have been having a rough time. I seen my rhuemy a week ago and he upped the MTX injection from 12.5 to 20 each week. Needless to say the change kinda knocked me for a loop. I love my rhuemy and he's usually always good with me but I must say this eve. I've been a bit ticked off at him. I put a call into him this late afternoon and he never did return my call and mind you he had upped this dose so I had questions; however he managed to call another patient back over her wanting something for pain (which thank goodness he didn't do over phone after seeing her only one time) but I'm sorta like wait a minute here this was rather important. Oh! well...... Guess I will just suffer through the weekend. Any way "hi" sorry I had to vent.