Bless your heart Misscali ((((hugs))) I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. The first things that came to my mind while reading your post were Celiac disease (aka gluten sensitivity) and of course lupus attacking your Digestive tract.
I know what you are going through except my accidents always happened when driving to work. It's an awful feeling not being able to hold your BM. I had diarrhea every single day for 3 years. My life revolved around the toliet. I hated to go shopping and when I did go I always looked for the bathroom upon entering the store. Making long trips was completly out of the question for me and I haven't riden in the car with anyone but my husband for years. It improved the most after my rheumy discovered lupus attacks my gi tract in 2005 and started me on Imuran. Now, I still have problems when I flare, etc but it's NOTHING compared to what it used to be.
Have you talked to your rhuemy about
this, if not you really should. I know it's embarrassing but it's very important information that could help figure things out.
I'm going to include some webbsites so you can read about
Celiac, its one of those diseases' that is about
as hard to dx as lupus. I had test after test done from 2002-2004 and they all came back negative, including blood work & biopsies. GI docs thinks Celiac is very rare here in the US and it's often misdiagnosed as IBS. I was finally dx with a stool panel test thru a private lab in TX. wish there was something I could do for you. Hang in there and let us know how you are doing. Feel free to ask me more questions, email me privately if you would like to. Take care
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Post Edited By Moderator (Lynnwood) : 8/25/2008 9:24:03 AM (GMT-6)