When I went to the grid created by Lynnwood, i had a problem with my right eye. I saw ghosts of lines beside the real lines, and part of the grid seemed to be missing in places. So I do not know. going to call the rheumy and tell him my findings, and the pain in my eyes due to bright sunlight, and let him decide to a degree. Ultimately the decision is mine to make, not his. but I am thinking he will probably take me off plaquenil. Will face that road when and if I come to it.
For the moment it is really a good day in NC, and I would like to hold onto it. but if it means losing what little eyesight I have left in my right eye, I won't do it. Before starting plaquenil this time, the sickness was so overwhelming that I asked for lupus to be started again. Now I may have to request that it be taken away.
one bump in the road however, one day at a time. who knows? Not me. who knows if this really isn't a lesson teacher in some other bigger spiritual path in life's journey. I will call the doctor, and stop worrying about it until the doctor calls me back. and enjoy this really good day relatively speaking.