I peeked in here tonight too, as I popped into the Crohns, cos I have a bad scare there.
Hey, hey, hey my friend, GINNY! You are Always in my thoughts, and Maggie Mai and Ana Chi are just longing to send their beautiful pop eyed love to ye!
I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you on the 5th November.
You are certainly NOT useless! I know all the stuff you feel I feel, but in different ways.
Sometimes it just seems all up hill, ALL the time.
I dont quite know how we deal with such difficulties but I am going back to counselling too, as I have been 'shooting' off at everyone and even lost my GP cos of my stress and distress at being so ill.
I also have a gut scare and get a CAT scan result tomorrow and hope and pray it isnt cancer.
Ginny, I don't know why I popped in here, I must have meant to. I saw your name and 'went for it', someone made me, and I tellya I am glad.
Comm'on dear friend, there are two sides to your coin and many edges to that coin, so dont just think of the illnesses and how it pulls you back from progressing, just think of the little things, cos thats all we can do really.
I wish I could practise what I preach but you are over 20 years younger than I.
I want you to be happier than this, maybe when the op is done and dusted the relief and the relief from its contant pain will help enormously on all fronts.
Yep, I will get the beads out.
In dublin Ireland