Hi all,
I am new to the boards, and was hoping for some input about plaquenil. I have been on it since April 06, but have mainly only been taking 200 mg a day instead of the 400 mg that was prescribed. The first Rheumy I saw said he was leaning towards diagnosing me with lupus (based on labs and symptoms over last few years), and put me on it to see if it helped. Even though I was miserable, and SO tired and sore every day, I was hesitant to start it, since I've always had a sensitive nervous system when it comes to medication (my mother is the same way). I finally decided to just start it, and wow did I notice a difference in how I felt.. within a matter of days. I was having trouble holding back tears when I saw the Rheum. again, because I wanted to thank him for prescribing it for me.. it felt like I had some of my old life back again. Well, now that I have been on it for few years, I have started noticing that I have gone downhill again, and have had more symptoms (consistently) for about the last five months or so. Same stuff as before.. debilitating fatigue, stiffness, soreness, throat and eye dryness, facial rash, mild fever, nausea, GI issues. So, since my newer Rheumy I'm seeing said I can increase the Plaquenil at any time if I decide to, I went ahead and started taking the 400mg instead of 200 the last two days. I noticed a difference right away. In fact, yesterday was the first day in a LONG time I was able to to a few physically-strenuous tasks in a row without getting competely winded like usual! The only problem now is that today (after taking 400mg again yesterday), I am noticing a lot more anxiety and higher pulse rate, along with some dizziness. I also was having some slight chest discomfort during the night and during the day today. I actually woke up last night having a bad dream, where my chest was feeling constricted. Can't say I've had that dream before!
Anyway, I am remembering now that this increased anxiety may be the reason I stopped taking 400 mg. in the past, the few times that I tried to. I also take levoxyl (thyroid hormone replacement) for Hashimoto's disease, which I've had since 2000. I wonder if taking both that and the Plaquenil is causing this? I am feeling a little worried about this, because I want to stay on the Plaquenil, but don't want to start having bad anxiety issues again.. I started having issues with panic attacks last year.
Does anyone else experience these same problems on Plaquenil? If so, is there something else that can be prescribed that will help me have somewhat of a normal life? I've felt so ill for so long, and started feeling so much better the last few days, that I am terrified to have to live my life that way again! Isn't it weird how we don't realize how sick we are until we feel better again?
Thank you to anyone who can give me some advice..
Just some info. about me: 32 yrs. old, Hashimoto's since 2000, Mono in '95, severe depression diagnosed '96, UCTD and Sjogrens '06, panic disorder '07, Fibromyalgia '08