Hi everyone, I hope your week went well. I'm just catching up on posts now. OY. This has been a very busy week. I'm building a photo studio in my basement and it's been go-go-go. I need this up and running asap. So this weekend has been the painting stage. I now have muscles I didn't know even existing! Hehe. I'm really sore. But it's a good sore. I know I've worked out!
I'm also working for my neighbour who is a realestate photographer. He puts together those virtual tours for listings. I'm working part time with him. Since my surgery in November I've had next to no income and my bank account is running dry. I need to work badly. I'll do this realestate stuff until my studio takes off and my weddings kick in.
That's what I've been doing this past week. I'm not putting myself into a flare, but my fibro sure knows that I'm more active now. Next week will be a little more evened out!