You are quite welcome Amy. Yes, my kidneys have flared again however the inflammation I have now is not quite as severe as it was 10 years ago (and 18 years ago when I had my first kidney flare....after the birth of my son).
I have been told that the aggressive treatment is probably one of the reasons; as well as me being in menopause (because of the cytoxan). After about the age of 30 when you receive cytoxan there is high risk that your ovaries will be damaged. This is why many doctors are using Cell Cept initially with younger lupus patients in child bearing years.
I do not know at this time what percentage go into remission. Treatment free remission is quite rare, and most doctors here in the United States will maintain some immunosuppression medications. I was looking for a treatment that gave me a chance at treatment free I went for it. I am happy to have had 10 years free from kidney or other lupus symptoms. Even now, aside from my kidneys flaring, I have no other lupus symptoms, I feel totally normal...which is not usual for lupus patients.
My kidney function right now is in the normal range for clearance, but my protein level is in the 900mg level. I did just recently do another 24 hour urine to see it the protein levels are decreasing with my recent start on Cell Cept...awaiting the results. My serum creatinine continues to be in the normal range. I do have a low white blood cell count which I have lived with since a teenager. Whether this is due to lupus, no one really seems to know. The amazing thing is that I rarely get sick...but it is a concern to my rheumatologist when we begin immunosuppressive treatment. I am currently on no prednisone, only Cell Cept, and I am hoping that this alone will do the trick for me.
I have been told that I have some scarring in my kidneys, my doctor in Germany estimated about 50%. I do know that you want to treat the kidney inflammation as soon as possible to prevent scarring.
Continue to educate yourself. My rheumatologist here in the States did not agree with my decision when I went to Germany for the intensive treatment. It was an experimental treatment, but now he states that there are some treatments, at John Hopkins that do perform more intensive chemotherapy...the risks are greater...I was willing to take the risk. I was aware of the John Hopkins treatment chose the treatment in Germany instead.
Hope this helps. If I can be of further help, please don't hesitate to ask.