Quick list!
Saw my GP (he is great- he requires the follow ups and really cares!)
My ANA was negative, my Sed and CRP were high- he said that bloodwork only helps to dx but doesn't rule out anything. So everything is still fair game. He believes me- nice- I told you he was great.
My rheumy appt is still 2 months away but he is sending my to a derm and says that anything they can find will help the dx process. His office is calling with an appt. See- great!
I am nauseous, rashy (is that a word?) sore and generally feel tired and crappy.
Summer is here. Blue sky, fluffy couds and nice breezes. Through the window- its still nice to see! And central air conditioning- nice!
Started migraines (haven't had them in awhile- years actually) Not nice.
Dr. Great Guy is sending a request to the Mayo Clinic (hours away so no airfare). They don't take everyone so please keep your fingers crossed for me.
Still have to go out of town for training. no dx= no "official" reason not to go. Yuck. Those will be 12 bad days.
That's it in a nutshell! I am trying to keep my sense of humor! I hope this post finds everyone keepin on keepin on! We can outlast these diseases and win! We are stronger.