Hippi, If you're on prednisone and methotrexate, I'd be sure to be extra careful, make sure you and your family all wash hands a lot. You can't very well move out, but do be careful. I'd make sure that your daughter takes regular baths or showers, that you don't share towels (I use my own hand towel in the kitchen and don't have to share my bathroom with anyone), and that you use plenty of hand sanitizer. Wash all bedding and towels in hot water. We lupies need to be even more careful. I even go so far as to wipe down the handle of my grocery cart with hand sanitizer. Paranoid? Maybe. But worth it if it keeps me from catching something. Since I've been diagnosed with lupus and take immunosuppressives I get sick more often and take longer to heal.
The CDC's recommendations are here:
And the Lupus Foundation of America's recommendations regarding the flu vaccine and preventative measures for lupus patients are here:
www.lupus.org/webmodules/webarticlesnet/templates/new_learnliving.aspx?articleid=2688&zoneid=527Lynnwood, I'm not sure I agree with your premise. The Lupus Foundation of America explains is like this:
"An individual with lupus is more susceptible to infection than most people for two reasons:
Lupus directly affects a person's immune system and reduces his or her ability to prevent and fight infection.
Many of the drugs used to treat lupus suppress the function of the immune system and leave the body more prone to infection."
The site is:
www.lupus.org/webmodules/webarticlesnet/templates/default.aspx?a=93&template=print-article.htmHippi, I hope your daughter recovers quickly and I especially hope you stay well.
Take care,