Posted 1/31/2010 8:23 PM (GMT 0)
i've only been here for a short while, but i have studied physiology & biology for over 30yrs.........i used to b a personal trainer, w/ extra work in just about anything that would seem to apply to these areas.........
a # of yrs ago, way b 4 my body went to hell with SLE, i got tendonitis in my shoulder & then the other.......i couldn't even get out of bed, cause u use all the shoulder tendons & muscles to get u up..........carpal tunnel is tendonitis.........what happens is, there is an injury or over use of an area in a way that is an unnatural way to move or do something.........this causes the tendons to swell & restrict blood flow, which only makes things worse........blood flow brings oxygen, vitamins & minerals to the area to b healed & takes away toxins.........
when u get this merry go round going on, things don't get better unless u actually get someone who knows what they r doing to get the blood flow moving.........& LET ME TELL U, IT IS SO PAINFUL IN THE BEGINNING, that u will scream, cry & not b able to move for awhile after it.........
listen everyone with this kind of problem.........i also think it would help with any kind of restricted blood flow........u need to do this as many x's a day as u can stand, but the most important time, is right b 4 going to sleep.......u've done everything to get to sleep & u r done moving for the nite........this is very important........if u have someone who can do it 4 u, then that is better, cause this can b hard to do on urself, if the problems r all over.........
u find the area where the worst swelling or edema is, then u use an index finger or thumb to message around the swelled area, till u find the tendon or ligament that hurts the worst.........THEY RUN UP & DOWN THE ARMS & LEGS.........u always rub cross grain of the lig or tend, always........when u find the absolutest most painful one, follow it up & down to where they attach to the may take a bit of experimenting to find the exact spot & sometimes, the one u want is under others & u have to push in & always move slowly & don't poke or prod, but gently rub on that tend or lig across the grain of it.........the really bad ones will feel like a rope or cord that is harder than all the rest........they all attach at the joints & this is where u rub, at both ends of the lig or tend........
when u can't stand the pain any more, u message up & down, not hard, the whole area, hand, forearm, wherever.......this helps to loosen the tension created by the message, cause when things hurt alot, u tense up & don't breathe.......u need to relax at the end, THEN GO TO SLEEP..........
what this does, is open up the swelling that is slowing or stopping the blood flow.........w/o proper blood flow, u can't heal those areas.........i had a wonderful chiropractor, who was really gifted in healing........she helped me heal this & other areas & taught me how to take care of those areas that do this & others..........
minerals r very important when healing these areas, especially.........get a complete complex of them & add some magnesium & calcium, maybe a little more of the magnesium than calcium.........but u need extra during the healing process..........also, vitamin A&D r important to b able to utilize those minerals, w/o them, alot gets dumped........taking betaine hydrochloride with food & vitamins may help the absorption...........
if u can do this regularly, it shouldn't b too long till u notice a not stop the message till there is no more ropey tends & ligs........then to continue so it doesn't happen again, whenever u feel anything like that again, message it, the beginning it takes much more time, but if u catch it early, u can avoid having to spend alot of time on this.......1 thing that might help, is after it's healed, get a can of food or a light weight & find the movement that works those areas........our hand, arms & all joints can move many different strengthening the areas, u can avoid future problems.......
when u do this at night & go to sleep, this is when the most healing is done...........most minerals r absorbed while sleeping..........
i have more info, but i'm's about kidney function & getting rid of that edema, all those extra toxins that r polluting ur tissues..........
hope some get some help from this.........when i was a personal trainer, i could always find the sore area & get the healing started right away..........they didn't always believe that it would help, cause it hurt so much when i worked on it, but afterwards they found they could move better, with less pain..........that was the clincher & it's not something that takes a long time to c results..........remember, message next to the joints, not the joints themselves..........the attachments r above & below the joints........