cookiemonster. Sorry, I just haven't been on lately or at least much anyway. I wasn't feeling well there for awhile. It's strange i have pain and the iky feelings aren't as bad. But then the pain isn't as bad, then the iky's come back. I hate this awful stuff!!
But, i know it could be so much worse.
How's your hubby. I read he's not doing so good. I'm so sorry to hear that. You were talking about
sevella. I never took it. But i did and at the present time am taking Lyrica. My dose was upped once. I think it may have to be upped again. the pain in my arms and hands is getting ridiculous. I am feeling the pain from the fibro coming back as well. Mostly in my shoulders and collar bones. I really wish i could help him for you. For me, It's just been a roller coaster ride. I believe it will be that way the rest of my life.
I just keep thinking about
everyone else who is worse off than me. I feel sad for them, but i'm glad it's not me... terrible for me to say. but it's just how i get through it. I will say alot of prayers for your husbands relief from his suffering and one for you, to keep strong for your family. (((((hugs and kisses))))) to you both. Laura <3