Hi!! Everyone,
One of my lectures from my immunologist, was that one of the goals of lupus meds was to protect the kidneys asap. Everytime I go to him, q 6 months, I pee in a cup. Everytime I go to my family dr., I pee in a cup. They do a quick check for sediment, cells and protein. I think one of the more serious signs of lupus nephritis, is foamy brownish bubbly urine. Once I spilled catecholamines, but my 24hr urine checked out. And one of the evidences of kidney failure is the inability to concentrate urine, so I worry when mine is light and I am not over hydrated. And for perimenopausal women, urgency, frequency or difficulty are some times, (and not to forget about the usual UTIs), connected to status post childbirth, menopause, and a check with the dr. is my vote.
hugs, suetoo