Hi Thanks for your advice,i am seeing a Rhumy while he is good he is also focused Solely on Rhumy even my other illnesses do not get in,so i guess i need to find one that dose auto immune but being in Country it is hard we are limited to who comes out here or take a 2-3 day Trip to Town to see someone. as for Symptoms i have;
Positive RF, positive ESR,pos White Cell Count,
have Kidney impairment that "comes and goes"
Mouth sores can be on tounge or anywhere
puffy eye
have Asthma
Heart problems SVT
Chest pains more to the mussels than heart
A Rash if in Sun
if getting a Flare up a day or 2 before will get nice Rossy cheeks then Whamy
Tired and Sick when in Sun for any time
have had a Rash on tummy only once that lasted 4 weeks they took sample came nack "you have a rash" Ha Ha ii Knew that,
Achs in All Mussles, Achs and Stiffness in Joints,
Excessive Tiredness- Fatigue No better if i rest
am now getting Forgetfull not sure if its from all the pain killers but i search for words and need to write down Anything i want to remember
night sweats
oh i also have osteoporosis in back and Degenerative Disc and cervical spondolitis and latley when i stand up or turn i go very dizzy and almost pass out i put this down to my neck(i hope)
Um i think thats it what do you think RA, or Lupus? my GP said some people can be "Lucky " and have Both but she said i need Positive ANA,which obviously was not quite right hay!This has been going on Most of my life with a few remissions that would last a year or so then id get "sick again" only diagnosed RA about 16yrs ago and Started Treatment.But Getting Rapidly worse Thanks for All Help Avalible