Hi everyone my name is Mayra, my daughter Leilani was diagnosed with Lupus back in May of 2010 she was 7 years old. Leilani was very active playing soccer and bike riding but when she started first grade she would complain in the mornings that her hands were numb I would just brush it off because I thought she would sleep on top of her hands. Then in 2nd grade she complained of pain to her legs and swollen ankles. I took her to her peditrician and she said it was because my daughter had flat feet she never sent her out for test...I kept brushing it off because I thought she got kicked while she played soccer...I seem to always brush it off until one day she got the butterfly rash on her face and her feet and hands were swollen I rushed her to the er and they sent me to Childrens Hospital. The ER didn't know what was wrong, when I arrived at children's they did so many tests, it started with maybe Kawasaki disease? then off to rheumatoid arthritis. Then we went to see the rheumatoid arthritis specialist at Childrens hospital where he sent us out for more test then he finally said she had Lupus..he found it odd for such a young age. I figure she started with symptons when she was 6 years old. Now I feel so bad because it seems I ignored all her symptons and all the pain she was going through could somehow been avoided.. She is now on prednisone,hydrocloraquine,plaqyanil...(misspelled them for sure) she also takes naproxen for pain...She is still enrolled in normal school but she misses a lot of days, I have been thinking maybe she should be homeschooled but she likes to be around people, so that might make her feel worse if she was home all the time. Any advise?