Posted 3/15/2011 6:59 PM (GMT 0)
I lost a lot of weight unintentionally from my stressors as all THAT happened but last year I also had gone off Seroquel and had two surgeries cause I had my gallbladder removed, then rested a month and had still been ill, but then had my appendix and a cyst on my right ovary removed. (that is the short version of the story. The longer version would take forever to explain really ha ha.) I recuperated from all of that over the summer. Kait knew of these things. I never told Kait that my fiance and I broke up. I didn't want to worry her and she was preparing for the surgery. (We broke up early October.) I was not going to cause her undue stress. So she never knew of the stress I had and I'm thankful because it would have caused her even more worry. In a way, her death was not in vain because she got my fiance and I back together and it's bittersweet because she got my fiance and I together in the first place ha ha.
To help keep my weight loss in check, I use the low carb diet. I know it's not exactly a smart thing given IBS or migraines with the meat exactly, but I find if I chew slowly and small meals then it helps and it does fit within my budget really well if I shop when stuff is on sale. I don't eat many carbs this way and it helps keep my blood sugar down too ha ha. I know I do sort of worry about my cholesterol this way, but I try to use apple cider vinegar for this countermeasure as apple cider vinegar is good for lowering cholesterol if I mix it with water and honey. But I have to use a lot of water as the acid is murder on my tummy especially after gallbladder surgery. So I do have to take zantac or the off brand bought at walmart ha ha. I really should be checking my blood sugar as diabetes run in my family, but I don't have high sugar issues, but probably the opposite of low blood sugar as I don't eat a lot but I tend to drink a lot of liquids to replace what I don't eat during the day. I tend to drink diet drinks. I know I know... I can hear Kait screaming in my ear, diet drinks are bad for you... you may as well just drink crystal lite and water.
I don't know how being sick so often that you all would gain weight, as you say little appetite, but it is as you say the lack of energy. It could also be side effects from the medicines also causing the metabolism to be slowing down. I know Seroquel made me gain so much weight. Lexapro was supposed to help with my depression, but it made me so High that it was like a marijuana to me, no joke. I only took it for a week, ha ha. A friend who did do marijuana asked me if I was doing the drug as I was acting like I had been ha ha. So I know I gained ten pounds from all the food I ate that week just to stay awake there and acting like a pot head. I hope you are laughing cause this is so embarrassing to admit, I know.
So it could be meds causing some gain there. But one needs to think, if the meds help you - don't worry about what you weigh period. Weight gain versus how you feel and the life increase plus enjoyment equals don't worry about weight gain. Just balance out the food intake a little bit. You have already done that really well. I also once read somewhere, it is not about being big at all - it is the love you all have within you. If you all don't consider it love, fine then. It is all the knowledge you all possess within and believe me, you all have so much love and knowledge that it does surprise and shock me. Heck look at Kait. Most of my friends didn't like her and I, for the life of me, couldn't understand why. I know Kait could seem like a know it all at times, but she had such a high I.Q. - she can't help that period. I was thankful for it because I hated talking. Let her do the chatting for me ha ha.
My online classes are nothing to me really, just a way to pass the time and keep busy. If I were to go on campus, I would have panic attacks and cry ha ha. I don't mix well with a lot of people 24/7 which is why I love the internet. Plus being deaf, it's hard to keep up with all the conversations at once. Online classes are great for the forums too. Don't have to put up with the constant back and forth's. It is all right there ha ha.
I am not sure if Probiotics help with Chron's. I know Live Active Cultures do help. Were they the same thing? I don't think so, but I am not sure. I think they were not, because I faintly remember Kait saying something about some Probiotics can be over the counter, but the best ones were refrigerated. I maybe wrong and thinking of something else. I know I can eat yogurt and that helps me tremendously, but I do have to watch what I eat of stuff like no nuts, seeds, anything that can get trapped in the intestines. Definitely nothing greasy unless one can tolerate them. For everyone, it really is a personal matter and it depends on their own body and if they have any allergies food wise. Example: I usually shouldn't do dairy products due to my allergies sinuses wise, but low carb foods allow cheese and I do like cheese. Low carb doesn't allow milk or yogurt, but I love yogurt. Yogurt is good for my digestive system. (So I'm demanding ha ha, but I can't have strawberry cause of the seeds.)
Boy, for someone not so chatty, I'm very chatty. Very sorry.