Hi! Everyone, Hi! Lynnwood,
I am so sorry for the delay in this note, I just happened upon the thread again. It would have been fine to have emailed me separately from our forum. I am so grateful for this support group. And as a nurse who teaches, more than happy to help and share in anyway I can. The study I participated in was the SADRC of WNY, Systemic Autoimmune Disease Research Center at Buffalo General Hospital of Kaleida Heath, January 2007, study on cognitive function in Lupus. I went to the Division of Developmental and Behavioral Neurosciences on the 6th floor in one of the worst lake effect snow storms I can remember! Janet L. Shucard, Ph.D., was the contact person at the Department of Neurology. I was in awe at the resources compiled for such an important reason, and grateful for the chance to participate.
Lynnwood, thanks especially for your time to "moderate" this forum. I would be happy to send you my email. I was told the data would be publishing @ 2 years, so I have been watching.
p.s. re: ms vs cns lupus, or fibro, my neuro doc offered me a spinal tap to more conclusively dx ms/lupus overlap, which he said was EXTREMELY rare and unusual, and I declined, in part because the risks didn't outweigh the benefit of knowing as my meds were helping so much. The agreement was another MRI and spinal tap would be reconsidered if I have a flare bad enough to put me in the hospital. I never had specific pressure site pain, so fibro was ruled out quickly by my PCP