I haven't been diagnosed with lupus yet but I see a rheumy on July 25th. I originally saw a neuro but the only thing she found was high ana (I was having muscle weakness, lots of tingling, some numbness, severe fatigue) She has mentioned several times the possibilty of lupus. I do have other symptoms that after reading alittle lupus could def. be that. Sores in the mouth, mild butterfly rash, unexplained muscle pain, some joint pain.
The neuro however did prescribed amantadine...she said maybe it will help my fatigue but my pharmacist who is also a friend and kind of a co-worker said it was an anti-viral and anti-parkinsons med and seemed unsure why the doc would prescribe that. I called my doctor's office this morning to ask about it as it warns about taking it when you have low blood pressure which I have (normal for me is 90/70, has been as low as 80/50) but they haven't called back at all yet and the pharmacist thinks it probably ok but said I should wait and take it when my hubby is home in case it makes me dizzy and lightheaded I don't pass out while I'm alone with my 2 toddler age kids. Anyone else been put on this med?? It says that drowsiness is a side-effect...kinda thought that was the problem in the first place...why would I want to take a med that could make my fatigue worse? I know she is the doc and obviously knows more than I do about medication but it just seems odd to me.