The ever astute Lynnwood noticed I haven't been posting so she knew I had yet again returned to my shell. She tried to call me but I started to cry and couldn't talk.
I was referred to a new bariatric surgeon hoping to get surgery to repair or reverse my gastric by-pass surgery. Instead he talked me into more endoscopies to open a hole in my stomach for the food to pass thru. I'm once again having days where water won't pass. I felt like spending 4 months in the hospital (3 weeks in ICU on a vent, and almost 2 months in a coma) was plenty to go thru, but still I tolerated 4 endoscopies in an attempt to open my stomach. Tomorrow the new surgeon is going to try his own endoscopy technique. Here I go again.
I'm a fragile emotional mess and if I'm not vomitting, I'm crying. I really feel that I can't take much more. I also feel like an idiot for thinking weight loss would make me feel so much better. Regardless, send me some positive energy okay? Love, Butterflake aka Donna