Your rheumy seems to be somewhat clueless as to auto-immune diseases. Tingling and neuropathy is a very common accompaniment to auto-immune disorders! As well as other symptoms you have mentioned. Neurologists don't know much about
auto-immune, and treating you for auto-immune fatgiue isn't the neuro's field!
I strongly suggest a second opinion. Check with and find the Lupus Chapter closest to you -- then find their web page or call them and ask which doctors are on their advisory board -- these are the drs really interested and educated in the treatment of lupus and other auto-immune disorders. (They will not "recommend" a specific dr, but can tell you which drs volunteer for service with them.)
Even without diagnosis, most rheumies will try you on plaquenil and possibly prednisone initially - part of the dx process is seeing what treatments you respond to.
Best wishes,