i was getting ready for bed a few hours ago, and looked to see if the hives on my leg had left any redness -- i tried really hard to leave them along, and thankfully, i didn't break the skin.
but i found some bright red/purple spots. for the past several weeks i have noted tiny tiny red dots under my skin on my upper arms and lower legs -- nothing major, just scattered around. i have noticed there are more of them/more concerntrated and also on my lower arms -- but for some reason this hasn't sounded any alarms for me. afterall, my bloodwork was normal just a few weeks ago. but now there are about eight or ten bigger versions of these spots. about the size of an pencil eraser. there is no doubt that it is petechiae, but i'm not sure if this is something that i should drop a few hundered dollars having a doctor tell me.....is there anything they can do about it? will these spots (big and little) go away? how "off" does bloodwork have to be for this to happen? my skin is taking a beating with this flare. so discolors/splotchy all the time from cold/hot sensitivity, random rashes, bumps that itch, my pink face that only get pinker in the sunlight, and now purple spots.
i know i'm on a question asking kick..... i hope that i will be able to cruise through the posts and offer up some info to some of you guys too!