I have a question about
working vs. disability....
Right now I'm working a 40 hour week in 4 days (teaching).
I'm worried about my career in teaching. My boss is fairly understanding about my limits and I've filed a ADA with him.
My problem is my system will be closing two of the schools in the district and consolidating the two schools into the remaining three. My school is on the chopping block. I'm scared of my job security and that they will be increasing my class size and taking away my para-pro.
I need extra help in the classroom. There are days I'm so fatigued I teach from my chair and she is my legs. Some days my mind is fuzzy and I forget things.
I don't want to stop teaching but it's scary to see me trying to function under more stress. I'll probably have a new boss and I'll have to go through getting adjusted to them which is more stressful.
Are most of you able to work full time?