I think everyone has felt that panic when they learn they have lupus. The others that have replied before me are right, this is a good place to learn and be heard and know your aren't alone.
The day my rhuemy told me of what I already knew(he had given me sheets of info and things to fill out to help him get a better feel of my symptoms) it wasn't such a shock. Of course I did go home and sit in the door of my closet and got overwhelmed with the thoughts I am sure we all have thought-job, bills, relationships, family, the future, hobbies etc.. How was I going to do anything? I keep getting told it will get better and I'll develop coping strategies. Everyone is different with symptoms and how they handle it. You will find strength within yourself that you never knew you had. Of course, you will have days that you would like to be shot(or is it just me), want to be alone and moments where you feel like there is nothing wrong. It's all the part of lupus. My advice to you is start a journal, put down everything, how you feel mentally, aches pains, everything and what you did, meds, all of that stuff. Not only will this help you in future doc appts, it will help you come to recognize flares and how well you are doing overall. Learn all you can from different sources since you are the only one that can help you. Talk to your family and loved ones and be upfront about how you feel and let them know there will be some days where you will need help. I do not have the backing of my family due to various reasons, only my Ma and Pa. I feel like I am such a burden to them since they aren't exactly spring chickens.
I fully understand the limited income and am sweating the future as to my treatment and meds and feel your pain on that.
I hope your doc is willing to listen and help and not just throw meds at you.
Take care and enjoy every little good thing!