I've notice my vision has altered lately.
I can't seem to have enough light to see. When I read I need to turn on a lamp even with an overhead light on.
When I drive at night the headlights don't seem enough and I can't see landmarks. The signs are "ghosting" so much they are unreadable. I see two white lines...one is like a ghost shadow.
I had my vision checked 6 months ago and the doctor said there was a very slight change in my left eye perscription but since it was so slight I really didn't need glasses.
I'm seeing the eye doctor again next week for my twice yearly checkup due to my glucoma.
I'm 44 and had laser surgery when I was 38. I was so nearsighted before the surgery I was almost blind without my glasses.
I'm afraid the plaquenil has affected my vision.
Those who where removed from plaquenil for toxicity what was your vision like before removal?