Good ol stress, yup, I've forgotten I also have costo this past year. Mostly due to the fact I am learning what kinds of aches and annoyances RA and Lupus cause. If I really thought about
it(I'd rather not,lol) I am quite sure my costo has flared up too many times to care from all of the stress of doctors telling me all my pains and such were in my head. I have had mine for over 15 years and have just learned to deal with the pain. Just wondering if you also have developed acid reflux or GERD. One such ordeal many years ago, my costo pains were so bad it turned my esophagus in on itself.
One of my favorite things to do is fold towels right from the dryer. Mostly because I love the heat on my stomach. It helps with the costo and now helps with my ra and lupus. The doc that diagnosed my costo told me whatever works-heat or cold, use it and told me costo can either go away or hand around and flare up whenever-mostly in stressful situations. I was advised to avoid spicy food when dealing or in the midst of stressful situations. Seems to help after all the years.
Hope you find some relief.