This is good news, and part of the required process. I think it's an appt. to see their SSA physician. They are regular docs who are 'rent-a-docs' for the SSA, to give them an independent physical exam and dr. record/med hx review. Mine went really, really, well. He was very sympathetic, and had obviously reviewed my paperwork. And, I went on a sick, bad, day. Luckily, all my reflexes were gone, my balance was off, and he made sure to tell me to make sure I saw my rheumy, (which I already had, and he sent me to the neuro) for the very same issue. Neuro said...hmmnn, reflexes aren't good........that's lupus. And I was so blessed, that my SSD was approved in 2months, 3 weeks and a day. And everyone was helpful, the paperwork crushing, but human help given so readily. Good luck,