Hi Ladies. I'm sorry it's taken so long to respond, but I'm still sick. Anyway, in the 10 years I've had lupus I've been hospitalized without warning twice with pneumonia, in a coma for 2 months, spent an entire year being fed and receiving meds thru a pump and pic line IV in my arm, and an inpatient for a week with sepsis. Besides all that I've been on about
every prednisone dosage I can think of and during my pneumonia last year, just in case I had lupus pnumonitis, the docs put me on 300 mg of prednisone each day.
I've also been on prednisone so long I can't remember, but I think it's been a couple of years or more. All of that time I hated the moon face and buffalo hump, but I hated the lupus pain more. Alas, my rheumy ask me to taper down to 5 mg and stay there and I've felt badly the whole time. So I really think Lynnwood has a great idea and I should have my adrenals checked by an endocrinologist.
Laura, Lorik, tater and Lynnwood, I really, really appreciate your input and for tolerating my slow response times! Love, Butterflake