I am a 25 year old women and have a good life.
Crazy family lol, great bf, great friends, degree and job. I have ahd an auto immune condition since I was 14 and have now been told that it is lupus which for the last 3 years I have suspected it is.
I have flare ups probably once a month and manage with prednisolone and plaquenil.
This issue that has upset me tonight is trivial but ruling my life!'
I am healthy, fit and feel like I look well most of the time but constantly find myself red and blotchy!!!!!!!! all over my face neck, top of my arms and legs. It cause great embarrassment and heat and discomfort , I feel fuzzy, anxious and generally unciomfortable whether Im at home or out I just want to run and hide.
Is this common for lupus sufferers? Im at my wits end , I ven got prescribed to valium because I thought it was anxiety but it does not help!
Please help?