Lots of drs appts! And working to pay the bills:-( first let me say this hope all finds you all as well as can be!
Diagnosed discoid lupus in July, biopsys ect, elevated liver enzymes, since off antibiotics for being treated three months for staph, they came back to close to normal, accused of being alcholic! By the nurse pract not derm!
2 weeks of numb tingling( bugs in my back lol) developed terrible pain!! No rash. Couldn't see dr cause of holiday weekend. Labor Day, But strangely had an attack that felt like heart attack, hubby insisted ER visit, high bp and hr questioned about
EKG? Stress test ? Sent home with 10 pain pills and muscle relaxers.
Immense pain!! at follow up the following Monday, anap,same one who accused me of alchahol abuse, sent me for X-rays thought pinched nerve? Asked for pain meds so I could work, informed I was only 40ish and not 80 she didn't want me addicted! Other then the 10 from ER had not had pain pills for years. After a very bad break of the collar bone
drug seeker!!??
Rheum appt next day, positive ssa elevated esr and crp suspected sjoogrens? For reasons of liver enzymes, and 7 years on and off gallbladder probs had hida scan after normal ultra sound, normal! 62% op! But shingles!! Was finally diagnosed! Given meds not gone but much better!!
Sick as could be after hida scan, a week and a Half later had ct everything normal except right kidney hydronephrotic changes involving the right kidney are associated with Hydroureter. Site of obstruction and etiology unknown! See urologist Monday. but still having so much trouble with eating, pain and what comes after that! Today awful thrush in mouth, lots of pain and at my wits end!!
In the mix of it all hubby is very busy with crops, he has been my ROCK! no support as people think I'm nuts!! My job is suffering, my mental health is awful! ADHD meds, with anti anxiety and Wellbutrin! I can't sleep, scared to eat, and feel like my body is falling totally apart from the crazy rat on a wheel race I've always run!! Thousands of $ later since we are both self employed with high deductibles 5500 max pp. I feel I've got no where and I'm scared!! I can't hardly sleep, or get out of bed! Today I felt like needles in my shoes!! I don't know what to do!? about
ready to go to mayo! Anyone been there?