Hi, yes I have tried Benlysta for 4 months, and I will tell you it really helped my mobility, At night I would have trouble with my legs and have to use a cane sometimes, with the benlysta infusion I didn't need the cane.
However, there is a concern with the medication Benlysta, I still had my infalmation in my chest and my immune system was very weak, one of the side effects with benlysta is a weakend ammune system and you see with Lupus you already have a weak immune system I gained 18 pounds during the 4 months of infusions of benlysta and was depleated of potassum. If you do try the drug its important to check your blood to see if you have been depleted of anything in your body. Also, make sure your immune system of ok because with a even weaker immune system I found myself getting colds, urine tract infections etc. The weight gain is a problem I gained so fast. Just pay attention to these things because they can lead to other problems.