Hi guys, I'm back on the forum. It's been a while I know. Thank you to EVERYONE who replied to my posts. Update: it took quite a while to get over the small bowel obstruction and I still have a lot of bowel related problems. Sometimes I just take fluids for two or three days to help the obstruction through and that seems to work. My weight is mostly up, which doesn't make sense because I don't overeat, don't eat fast food or fried food. I do like chocolate and champagne but that's usually just a reward or a pick-me-up from my wonderfully caring husband - came home and he had bought me flowers and gave me a beautiful card telling me how much he loved me (we're in our 50s and only been married 4 years). It gave me a good boost because at the tail end (I hope) of the second flare up in one month. Met with my regular doctor yesterday and he put me on an antidepressant, because the days of feeling like I just want to give up are increasing. You out there know what I'm talking about
. Anyway, my inflammatory markers are all still sky high, even when I'm not having a flare. Now I'm having worsening hoarseness and a cough I've had for about
two months that the prednisone didn't take away. So, he thinks it's time to go back to the rheumy doctor and see about
trying the Benlysta. I guess it's paid for, and just been sitting there waiting on me (according to the Infusion Clinic) so I may as well try it now. Already paid up on my deductible so the rest of the year should be free. So lucky I'm still able to work from home when I flare. Going through a lot of changes at work - merging, being taken over etc. so I'm trying not to let the stress get to me. Daughter probably moving back in the area following her divorce with the two children so looks like they'll be staying with us for a few months
- more stress, but I will enjoy the little ones, we don't get to see them much. So here's hoping the rheumy agrees to start over. I'll keep y'all posted (it's weird for me to say y'all... I'm from England!!!). I hope everyone has a peaceful weekend, and don't give up hope...."One Day At A Time"...tomorrow, it could be better, never forget that! Take care of yous!