Hi, it would be amazing if you'd email me cuz I would love to talk to you about
lupus, I'm only 11 . So my email is <snip> and this is my partial story
I don't think I'm supposed to put my age on here but I just want tell you I'm really young. In between 1-13 years old. I started out last year with severe soreness and tiredness I couldn't even go to school. I had a temperature of 107 degrees and I just felt awful. Now, lupus hits kids harder, lucky for you you're at an older age but obviously you've gone through some other stuff. The doctors thought it was Lyme but that just brought out the rash so then they knew it was lupus. So they gave prednisone and plaquenil and then stupid of them, I didn't have a doctors appt all summer which are the worst months for lupus. So I had an appt in October and then my kidneys were failing (lupus nephritis) and I had an outstandingly high blood pressure. So I was supposed to go to the hospital that night but I didn't want to so I went the next day I was in the hospital for a week on oxygen because they filled my lung up with water on Halloween night. At the end of the week I had my chemo treatment and then 2 days after I got to go home. I had chemo 9 times and now I take cell cept. Which I think im allergic to. So I take 60 mg prednison 50,000 mg of vitamin d, I'm only allowed to take Tylenol for pain:/ (being a kid) , 2,000 mg of cell crept, 20 mg famotidine, 225 of plaquenil , 30 mg of lisonopril, bactrim:) fun right?????
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Post Edited By Moderator (Lynnwood) : 3/27/2014 8:24:43 PM (GMT-6)