Thanks Lynnwood,Joie, Diane, Laura, and Joy:
Well ladies I made it thru the week with my radiation. Have to say I'd already forgotten about
the heat therapy. I'm getting it 3 times a week and boy does it hurt. My fingers have to be heated up to 42 degrees Celsius and it has to stay there or up to 45 degrees for one hour. Let me tell you it's so painful to have them burn my fingers.
I asked the tech today what other types of cancers or conditiona are treated she said breast cancer. She also said that they treat rectal cancer with this, on the knee, and thigh. Someone had a spot on his chest wall and the spine. Apparently, it's getting more and more popular. It certainly worked for me but the radiation burns were terrible.
My arthritis in my back is really bothering me and I just don't know what to do. As for my foot surgery, the surgeon has sent emails to ALL of my specialists he wants each of them to look at me and okay the surgery. The soonest they can schedule my surgery would be the 27th of June. Most likely though it's going to be in July.
I'm totally bummed out, my foot hurts me so badly I can barely walk on the stupid thing. I swear I'm willing to chop the thing off with hubby's chainsaw just to get them to work on it sooner. I'm literally beside myself with pain in that foot. My primary care doctor will not be available to do my physical for the surgery. However, she can and will coordinate my admission two days prior and she said there's no way she will allow a surgery resident take care of my medical needs. I be assigned to the medicine team throughout my whole stay.
The only thing the surgeon will do is to operation and that's it. Everyone is afraid I'm going to become Vent dependent. Have to say I'm really tired of hearing do you know the is a risky surgery and you're putting your life at risk. I don't understand why they don't get it that I can't handle anymore pain with this foot. I'm more than willing to let them amputate the thing, JUST STOP MY PAIN!!!!!!!!
Okay, I'd better stop or I'll be up venting all night long. I'm wiped out from the radiation and I need some sleep. Please pray that I get the 27th of June as my surgery date; and praying for less pain would be appreciated too.
Have a good night and I hope most of you are sleeping and not up trying to get comfy like me. Take care and have a good weekend.