Hi My name is Shelly! I have been sick off and on all my life. Had a positive ANA Jan 2013 that was very low @ 1.16. Since then I have had numerous rashes and my asthma has been acting up. Now I just feel bad every where can't explain it. The biggest problem is when I am walking I feel as though my legs are going to give out from under me. They tested my ANA again and now its a 1.640 with Homounous and speckled pattern and have had blood in my urine the last three time they have checked it but no infection. I have also had swelling in my legs and feet for months now and was put on a fluid pill. Now my WBC and RBC are elevated.The Rhuematologist said to follow up in three months. I am worried in three months I am going to feel even worse. Not sure where to turn.