I posted a few days ago with complaints of swollen/bruised joints, allover muscle and joint pain, swollen ribcage area, a clicking sound in my chest, and constant crackling/popping.
MY BACK IS SO MESSED UP! It is hurting so incredibly bad.
I looked in the mirror, and several of the nodules are completely swollen over. My ribcage is still enormous. My bottom left rib is sticking out a LOT and is very very tender to the touch. It also looks like muscles or tendons in my shoulders are swollen.
You can barely see it in the pics, but there is a bruise that goes up the side of the spine, localized near the swelling.
There is a lot of clicking and popping going on around the front of my ribs and sternum.
***There is no nudity in these, just a nude back. But NSFW***
VIEW IMAGEVIEW IMAGEVIEW IMAGEYou can barely see it in the pics, but there is a bruise that goes up the side of the spine, localized near the swelling.
PLEASE PLEASE can someone tell me what the heck is going on??? This all came on so suddenly. I wasn't injured or anything!
I haven't been officially diagnosed with anything yet, although 2 drs suspect lupus.