I had my biopsy done in February, since then have had 13 abscesses multiple infections and a wound vac. Now my Dr's are making me wait before they cut this huge cellulitis/lymphadema mass that has grown where all the abscesses & wound vac was. How can all this have happened from a simple biopsy? I had the biopsy done due to painful, swollen lymph glands. All the veins in my abdomen all the way to my armpit & entire chest are greatly bulging out, so the surgeon decided to take a sample of my inigual gland, as to not cut my veins since I have Factor 5 Leiden & Lupus Like Inhibitor & have had 11 blood clots in the past. Every day this thing is growing bigger & harder. I've tried everything! Castor oil packs, cabbage poultices, honey, sugar, drinking apple cider vinegar twice a day, green tea, vitamin C. Nothing is working. I cannot do am MRI & don't understand why they want to see under it so badly. It has a small amount of fluid but not enough to drain, like theyve had to do in the past. I had penrose drains placed in and they ended up cutting the whole thing out & placing a wound vac in. Now its just as bad if not worse. I get a different answer every time from the learning hospital Im being seen at. My main surgeon has admitted me 3 times from my office follow ups & has told me theyre going to remove it & ill have another wound vac put in, but when I get admitted, another surgical team is on and they always just send me home. I told my main surgeon they keep sending me home & wont remove it & last time he assured me they would but they didnt & sent me home again. It always happens, he wants it removed & they wont & he has already went home & i get a new opinion every time. thats why i dont like the learning hospitals so much. I was ok w that cause Im tired of this painful thing bobbing between my thighs & rubbing against my other thigh & causing skin burns when I walk. I've retained around 60 lbs of water, maybe more since January, so I mostly wear skirts due to my size. My ankles will get huge balls on the outside of them that are purple & I can barely bend my feet sometimes due to the tightness. Im miserable! Im super claustrophobic, & was unable to do the MRI they want so badly even on valium. I asked if they could knock me out & they said they can't have an anesthesiologist watch me. It doesn't work that way. They also wouldn't knock me out to do the dressing changes when I first got my wound vac in but they did for a friend of mine. It was SO painful! They said I may be worse off if they cut it out again but it has to be better than living w this thing growing larger each week!!! I hate how theyre making me wait to get this MRI done. I've read up on them & it seems a ct scan would show it better.
I think they just want to make a $$ having me do an MRI. Im too claustrophobic & I just know ill end up leaving my appt without having it done. They won't listen to me & now this thing is so big, its causing my inner thigh underneath where it is to cramp up. Im also getting knee pain and uterine pain on the leg its at. Any suggestions? Im calling my surgeons today & begging them to please just remove it & put another wound vac in. The last incision for the wound vac was 12 inches long & 4 & 1/2 deep. This one will be bigger & deeper but idc. I want it out! It pinches & these cramps hurt so bad. I don't know what else to do and am so depressed. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. One Dr said I have Lupus, another said my blood tests showed borderline Lupus but I do have Scleroderma. Also 1 rheumatologist said I have rheumatoid arthritis but my pcp said I don't. My thumbs pop out & I have to wear special gloves that hold my thumbs in. Its very painful when they pop out. Im a mess. My daily life is so painful even in the pain meds. Showering is the worst. My edema in my stomach pulls own my back so I can't stand very long. Please give me advice. Anyone hear of this happening or gone through this before or am I the only one? I feel so alone.