Posted 10/28/2014 3:11 AM (GMT 0)
Over the last few years I've developed adult acne after having nothing of the sort going when I was younger. I know that's not all that abnormal. Why it does seem abnormal to me is it's relation to an onslaught of other symptoms that lean towards lupus and a recent diagnosis of fibro. I've tried a few topical creams on it to no long term results. And I had one strange experiment that a nurse practitioner tried that should not have worked. I can't remember the name of the med, but it fought infections or something, but for the week I could take it my skin cleared. It was before anyone knew I was sick.
So, on to my question, could the acne on my face be caused by a mild rash? Has this happened to anyone who has lupus? I also want to add, I have had rashes on my face in the past from allergic reactions and know that rashes tend to form pimples.