Posted 12/27/2014 9:48 PM (GMT 0)
@Kimstph Yes! I have considered the fact that it may very well be rosacea that I just never noticed before the onset of my symptoms since there was no need to notice it. I have had tons of symptoms over the past 6 months. However, my primary ones seem to be joint/muscle aches and pains (knees, ankles, hips), swollen lymph nodes (right side of neck only), diffuse hair loss, mildly purple hands when cold (Not sure if this is Reynauds), red hot hands randomly, and brain fog, just to name a few. However, all tests have come back normal over the past 6 months. (3xCBC, Protein Urine, TSH, ANA, 2xSed, and a few other autoimmune tests I can't think of)
@Lynnwood I thought a Lupus Malar rash was more angry indeed, that's why I am still keeping my options open. However, I do know it is always there, it just needs the right light to be seen, so I don't think a sinus decongestant would help too much. Maybe I am wrong?
Thanks for all the replies! :)