Yes, I have yeast infections constantly. My GI, Rheumy and OB/Gyn all agree it is the Auto Immune Diseases that brings them on also the drugs that we take to supress the disease - especially the Prednisone, Immuran and like drugs.
These drugs tend to kill off the good "bacteria" and let the yeast grow out of control. If the good bacterial continously gets killed, the yeast just constantly win and there your yeast infections just keep coming.
I take TONS of probiotics to counter the effect along with an occasional prescrip. of Diflucan and garlic when needed to kill the overgrowth.
I am finally starting to get ahead of the yeast infections with the help of my Gyno. He has been wonderful at taking "swabs" to make sure we are using the right prescription to help - i.e. Diflucan, Nystan, or even Antibiotics for Bacterial Vaginitus.
He has also had me cut out sugers, and "processed" flour. It has made a wonderful difference along with a high count Probiotic. I also don't have the option of OTC creams (i.e. Monistat or generics) becuase there is a common ingredient in all of them that I am allergic to - I learned the hard way by getting an even more painful rash and infection down there!!
Hopefully this helps!