Hi All -
I'm on a journey of trying to find out what has been going on in my body for the last 2 years. Everything started right after a hysterectomy in Dec '04 for adenomyosis. Last summer symptoms started progressively getting worse to the point of going to my pcp to see what was going on. He sent me to a neurologist, eeg came back normal, but showed shadow frequencies (slight tremor/seizure activity). I have never felt like I was having a seizure, but I do have tremors. MRI came back w/multiple lesions all over the brain. Started going down the MS trail and am still on it, but spinal tap came back negative, T-spine and c-spine clear of lesions, but with disc issues but not on the side that I have numbness and tingling the most. Had an ANA Antinuclear Antibody test done, first one was negative, second one was positive. Fatigue, achey and heaviness are the worst symptoms I have right now.
I'm on neurontin for the nerve pain (sharp twangs of pains all over, achiness, 'burning feeling' in certain places. My neuro just put me on metanx also.
Now my neuro is putting MS on the back burner and looking at the possibility of Lupus since the test came back positive. Has anyone here had a negative result, then a positive result? Lupus is very new to me, can someone give me a few good links to check out symptoms and what I can expect from here on? Does the positive result mean I have Lupus?
Thanks a ton for all your help.