I have CNS Lupus and have been in flare since March, although it is somewhat better now. Previous to this flare, I had been very fortunate to have been in pretty good health for the past 20 yrs. with exception of minor flares.
I did have an MRI on my brain recently. I wish I could tell you that it helped. My doctor only said that it showed some white "pockets" (can't remember for sure if that's what he called them) indicative of people who have migraines. I do have migraines with visual aura (but not a lot of pain). I normally treat this with Aspirin and black coffee, which usually works for me. I do not feel confident that this doctor really understood or read the MRI thoroughly. I've only been to him a couple of times. The MRI itself was not a big deal.....an IV in which dye is inserted for part of the procedure. You just have to lie still for about 20 min. They give you ear plugs as the machine makes some fairly loud noises (which didn't bother me at all). I wish I knew what they look for in the MRI and should have asked. My symptoms were fatigue, odd feeling of pressure in my head (up the back and over top), light headedness, malar rash, some "brain fog", etc. No joint pain, though, and my Sed. rate was not high. ANA was 1:1280.
I hope you'll find some answers and relief.