I am sorry things have taken a turn for the worse. Here is a very basic but informative site about creatine kinase and possible new directions for you to investigate for treatment. As I understand it, this level is mostly used to diagnose heart and or muscle problems.
As far as the high ANA you may simple be autoimmune deficient and may never get a diagnosis more than that. My mother in law is in the same boat. While she does have MSK disease (a kidney disease) she also has a sky high ANA and presents signs of both lupus and sarcadosis. She has been seeing one of the best nephrologists on the east coast for almost a year now and he has told her over and over again that many people are simple pegged as autoimmune defiecient when they present severe signs of several AI diseases.
If you do a few Google searches you can find information by way of trials and studies about elevated creatine kinase levels and lupus. It seems generally speaking the treatment to lower elevated creatine kinase levels is by way of statins and beta blockers. From the research I just did it seems that elevated creatine kinase levels mostly exist in muscle inflammation and nervous system disorders. Your family history would be in tune with that.
I also agree you need to get help ASAP for the depression. If you are mentally strong and balanced you have a much better chance with your physical health and balance.
Let us know how it goes.