I went to the rheumy today. I think I need to change my signature here. She is still saying she won't rule out lupus, but she thinks something else is going on. However, previous rheumy's said lupus was the most likely call. I don't know what to say I have...non-specific autoimmune disease with lupus-like symptoms???
Anyway, I got my bloodwork back from early spring. (I only see the rheumy every 3 months.) This was the first time in three years I had a negative ANA! So I guess that means, things are getting better? If so, then why do I still feel so bad?
My rheumatoid factor was the lowest it's ever been, too: 7.1.
But my sed rate is 69 (normal range 0-20) and C-Reactive Protein is 23.9 (normal range 0.0-4.9). She said that we've got to find out what's causing these high numbers.
Because of my frequent mouth sores, she wants me to see an ENT for a mouth and nose lining biopsy (ouch!) and to rule out vasculitis. She also said she's suspicious of something called Behcet's syndrome. I don't think I've seen that one on any of the lists here.
She seemed to indicate that she thinks it coudl be something vascular or bone-related since the ANA is negative now. She talked about having a bone scan. I also have to have an MRI on the knee I injured last fall, because the bursitis just isn't going away.
I was the last patient of the day, and now I just feel confused. I just want to know what's wrong with me.