In answer to Okie, I have trouble breathing when I exert myself. My symptons aren't too bad with my CHF, my most bothersome one right now is the fatigue. I don't really have any fluid retenion, and no SOB except when I do something. (So I'm fine when I just sit around, sux) I am hoping getting the meds adjusted will help with the rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath. It seems to be, but I am just tired from the meds right now til my body catches up too. I'm sorry about your husband, it's just not fair to lose a parent or a husband so young.
Marji, that is exactly the way I was diagnosed with the fibro! I am going to speak to him about it when I go next visit and insist he delve a little deeper into the Lupus search, with the rash and the pain, and then oh all of a sudden my heart, well, I think he needs to recheck that. I also had a REALLY bad "flare" for several months when I was teen and couldn't walk or move well at all. A different Dr then diagnosed me with a "Lupus tendency" he said. I kinda haven't thought much of it since a rheumatoligist was with my Dr when he diagnosed me first with the heart problem and they said, nope, it's not Lupus. I am gonna have a little conversation with him about it again now though, and talk to the cardioligist when I see him on the 6th. I have a echo tommorrow, no telling when they will have results, but when they do, I'll let you all know, thanks a million again for all the response, it helps to have people to talk to.