Hi Donna, Rosie,Judy, Hippi, Barb,Emmie, thanks for thinking of me and responding. I love ya all.
Donna, as far as Taco is concerned I don't think he's be crazy about a tux but I did get him a pediure the other day LOL. He also would love it if somone would buy him food other than what tthe cheapest stuff is I can find. But hey if I'm eating balogni he sure ain't getting steaks LOL
Rosie yes I would love to have a lap top but first I'd have to find somone with money that would be willing to buy me one. Oh my favorite tea is CHAI, so anytime you got a pot of that on I'm up for it. I do know what you mean about trying to set at a computer it get gets rough real quick. Plus my lungs have gotten bigger than my ribs and when I set up straight my lungs push against the rib and it hurts and makes breathing more difficult. I am thankful for the coputer I have though if it wern't for that I would never have met you guys and you are a God Send to me.
Hippi, you are such a sweetie, If anyone wants my # (barb asked for it) that's fine with me. I'd love to hear how everyone is doing and it helps keep me from thinking about my problems. I know we all have them. This stupid plaq. is a real problem. Do you remember the wringer washers? I feel like my body got ran through one of those and all twisted up. The nurse and the home care worker are coming out Monday to help me make out a program of what I need so if you think of anything that I can put on a list let me know. I know they will clean and stuff and put my meds together. I'm having a really hard time with my meds. I have a box but for some reason I'm not using it right. I've really been praying because this time around really knocked me down and I can't seem to get back up. I hope you are getting some rest and things are getting better for you. just try to take it easy as possible. love ya
Actually Barb, I could imagine us taking turns taking care of each other but since I only make micromeals you'd have to do the chicken soup. I did read somthing aboutpossibly starting looking for a bone marrow donor. I'd give you mine but trust me you wouldn't want it. Why is this disease so unrelenting? I just want it to STOP. Pat tried to get me an appt with her doctor but they don't take my insurance. I do have an option of going to Vance AF base but that's only if I have a life or death situtaion of they need to do major surgery. Champva is kind of weird compared to Champus with I think you have. Keep that clown suit handy You never know when it might be needed. of course you can have my phone #. I only have a cell phone so nights and weekends are the best unless you have cingular. (AT and T) thank I can talk all the time lol. I hope yo are doing a little better and my prayers continue to be with you.
Thank you Judy, I am trying to have a possitive attitude but I feeel like I need to clean my house before they see it and it scares them away lol. I washed 3/4 of my dishes last night before I gave up. But it will all work out I'm just going to beleive that! love ya.
Emmie, (hugs), thank you hun, you diffinently nailed it this time really took a peice of my soul with it. I really don't feel much like the old OKIE. I look in the mirror and she's just not there. I'm just praying for a break and the strength to feel better even if it's only a few days. You know I read at the bottom of the posts about all of the problems that everyone here has and it blows me away that people continue to support me when you all have some many problems you fight on a daily basis. You are all quite amazing people. Well My back is starting to cry again so I better go. Please take care and know you are in my thoughts and prayers