Hello Everyone. I have been writing and commenting here for the past few years and I really appreciate everyone's advice and encouragement. Yesterday I had a rheumy appt. and I think I really surprised her (and myself) with a bit of a breakdown in her office. I just cannot seem to get much better and I am really having a hard time accepting this. I seem to be doing well for a few days and then, bam, I fall right back. The joint pain and inflammation, and even the kidney stone pain has just about
worn me down for the last three and a half years. I just can't seem to get better, even when I am on a break from school. It just doesn't seem to matter. I don't know how much longer the school really wants to accomodate a principal that is always sick.
Anyway, my rhuemy took me off methotrexate injections, folic acid, and, even, Relafen. I am constantly nauseated from all of this anyway. Instead she put me on Arava and upped my prednisone to 8-10 mg until the Arava kicks in. Of course, I read that Arava causes nausea. so I don't know how that will help! And, true to form for me because I seem to have most of the side effects of any meds, this morning I had to pull over to a gas station to throw up on my way to school. Yuck. I know everyone thinks I am a hypochondriac and even my Supt. is becoming a bit rude. He is also really grumpy right now because he is retiring in June but I am starting to get paranoid. My intuition is usually right about these things and I am seriously considering retiring very soon due to my continuing health problems.
It is possible that my husband will be transferred to Tampa, Florida soon and I would be able to use that as an excuse to leave gracefully. I could then possibly teach graduate courses part-time or something instead of trying to push myself. It just is so hard to deal with this, however, because I know I have so much to offer. In the last nine years my school has improved so much. My teachers and I have worked so hard to make it possible for all kids to learn and we have the data to show for it. I am sure this is why I have been treated so well but I know everyone thought I would be better by now. Geez, I thought I would be better by now.
Well, thanks for letting me vent a bit here tonight. As for the Arava, has anyone had any success with this med? I read conflicting reports on it but I haven't heard anyone here at HW say much about it.