Hi All:
Sorry if my last post was a little confusing and impersonal. I was in a big hurry and now re-reading it sounds way more confusing that what it needed to be. I just wanted to know if anyone didn't have symptoms of Lupus before they were actually diagnosed? Out of the 11 criteria for Lupus I have 2 symptoms. From my post a few days ago Im currently suffering from joint flare ups every now and then, some dizziness and heart palpations. I also have a positive ANA which I've learned could mean anything. I have to wait until June for an appointment with a rheumatologist because I am a new patient (typical HMO). Im also changing my priamary care provider and I see her the end of May. She's suppose to be really good and highly recomended. So Im pretty excited!!!!
I was reading some of the other posts and my heart, prayers and tons of hugs goes out to everyone who is dealing with this sickening and devestating disease day in and day out. I only hope I have the kind of strength and courage that everyone else has to tackle this thing head on. Thanks everyone for your support and input. ((((hugs and blessings to all)))
~Natalie~ :)