Hi Roni,
I had a stroke in 2002. I was 28, and had been diagnosed with lupus for 2 years at that point. My stroke was caused by APS, (anti phospholipid syndrome - a protein that lupus creates that makes the blood thick and sticky). I also have inflammed heart valves. Microscopic pieces of my heart valve sloughed off into my blood stream. Those particles, along with my APS caused my stroke. I knew I had APS when the stroke occured, but I was only taking an aspirin a day for it. It wasn't enough to thin my blood. APS will occur in varying degrees. Most people with APS have to take a much stronger blood thinner than aspirin. I'm on coumadin (warfarin).
You should be seen by a neurologist for sure. Also, make sure you get tested for APS. DON'T just start taking an aspirin without talking to a neurologist or your pcp first. All medications are powerful, including aspirin. You don't know what you're dealing with here. The pressure you are experiencing can only be diagnosed by a neurologist. If you're feeling anxious about this, I would go see your pcp, and make sure you get a referral to a neuro. You did have a stroke, that has been confirmed. Now you need to find out why you had one. For me, it was the inflammed heart valve that helped contribute to the stroke. There can be many factors that cause a stroke to occur.
I hope this helps give you some direction on what to do next Roni. I've been there. A stroke is serious no matter how small it is.
Keep us posted okay,